Khakai Life Coach

Stupid Hackathon - 5 Minutes Reading
Project Overview
This is a little project that I have done with my friends in Stupid Hackathon Thailand The Fourth in June 2020. This hackathon is only about the ideas. Like ANY IDEAS. We created an extension for chromium browser. It will pop-up Mr. Chon along with his favorite epigrams that will bounce around the display. I also directed and edited the presentation video for the competition.
My Responsibilities
I am responsible for every art pieces, graphics, logos, UX/UI design, and UX writer for epigrams.
Picture Cover of Khakai Life Coach Portfolio
Khakai Life Coach
Stupid Hackathon
June 2020 (1 week)
Are you certain about your life?
Are you sad about something?
Are you tired?
You want something that will help you through the day?

This is the concept for ourproject. We want to make everyone happy and continue their life with strenghts and no fear of their struggles. We design to create the brower extension as people use to do their work.

We believe that after going through the bad day. If you read epigrams from this person "Mr. Chon Buranawat", You will gain strenghts immedietly, happy, safe, and sound!
"Life Coach" Parody Artworks 1"Life Coach" Parody Artworks 2"Life Coach" Parody Artworks 3

"Life Coach" Parody Artworks

As I mentioned earlier, this hackathon is about ideas (The name of this hackathon is "Stupid Hackathon"). So, this may not be the most advance extentions or the world changing solutions but after joining this competition. I believe that we can create and make something more than how we believe in ourselves if we try.

Our team also won the price for winning the most favorite project from Stupid Hackathon Thailand.

You can watch the full episode of the first day of the hackathon down below (The second day clip is gone).

See other works at what I’ve done so far...